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来源:高校网 | 发布时间:2024-04-15 14:55:36 |  访问:678














faculty position in human geography and urban & rural planningprofessor/associate professor/lecture (tenure-stream/global hire)

in december 2023, the college of international tourism and public administration athainanuniversitywas established through the merger of the formercollegeoftourism,hnu-asujointinternationaltourismcollege, andcollegeofpublic administration. the establishment aimed to consolidate disciplinary development resources and focus on nurturing high-caliber, internationally-oriented professionals with expertise in tourism and public administration, along with related competencies. as a component of thecollegeofinternational tourismand public administration, thehnu-asujointinternationaltourismcollegewas approved by the ministry of education ofchinain may 2017. the establishment of hatic is an implementation of the spirit of the important speech made by general secretary of the cpc central committee xi jinping, to develop world-class disciplines with an improved level of international education inhainanprovince. it’s enrollment began in september 2017, and currently both bachelor and master programs are offered to worldwide students. three bachelor programs include: human geography and urban & rural planning, hotel management and public administration. two master programs are: tourism management, and public administration.

the academic teaching of the college adopts a dual enrollment management system. the curriculum is jointly developed by both parties, with professional courses conducted entirely in english. foreign-introduced courses account for 50% of the curriculum.the faculty team of haitc has been drawn from three sources: recommended by partners,arizonastateuniversity; fromhainanuniversity; and global recruitment. haitc faculty members are all ph.d. holders from renowned overseas universities. more than 55% of them are foreign experts originating from over twenty countries such as theunited states,new zealand,germany,canada, among others. this has contributed in the formation of a highly internationalized and competent faculty team excelling in both teaching and research capabilities.

haitc emphasizes on the integration of eastern and western educational concepts, highlights international, innovative, and interdisciplinary characteristics, aiming to serve the development of the hainan free trade port (ftp) and hnu's "double first-class construction". haitc is striving to cultivate industry leaders who are familiar with international rules and have cross-cultural communication capabilities and international competitiveness. as such, it stands as an international cooperative educational institution with a distinctive multicultural identity.


majorsmain research directionrecruit planother requires
human geography and urban&rural planninggeography/spatial analysis (remote sensing,smartcity, big data etc.)1-2applicants need to obtain a phd degree from renowned international universities, demonstrating strong english communication skills, as well as solid evidence of good performance in teaching/research/service of specialized field.
urban and ruralecological planning/ sustainable land planning1-2

application procedure

the applicant sends a full cv and related materials that can fully reflect his/her academic level (such as certification of all degrees, teaching evaluation report, list of publications, scientific research awards, scientific research projects he/she presided or participated in, etc.)

resume sent to email:haitczp@hainanu.edu.cn

contact:miss liao 0898-66169332

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